Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Please Don't Try This...Ever!

Straight to the point. 10 things you must never do:

  1. Challenge GOD. Although Leanardo got lucky, Titanic never did...

  2. Add your immediate family member(s) on Facebook. They would question you, cross-question you, till they prove their point. Don't even think of using the Ignore feature now. It's too late...

  3. Comment on your girlfriend's Dad or about her weight. We all know this universal rule, but we never learn! *Left black-eyed*

  4. Take panga with a Delhi female. Never do that...never! And this explains the right black-eye...

  5. Leave your phone at your desk with a 'Dance Dance' ringtone. People would never dance. At best, they would frown, if you consider that a dance step...

  6. Try to explain what Instructional Designing is. Ensure you bookmark the Wiki page on Instructional Designing. However, the latest Risk Analysis Report states that if your network is down, you're doomed...

  7. Buy clothes from Big Bazaar. They never fit when you reach home. After first wash, it camouflages with clothes from Jinny and Johnny...

  8. Never listen to Alvito Cabral if he suggests a short-cut to a destination. Forget reaching quick, chances are you would never reach...

  9. Try to be Bear Grylls. Forget the jigar to do what he does, we simply don't have the money and water proof cameras. Yes, I travel everyday in a Virar bound train. Isn't it death defying? Bear Grylls, are you listening...

  10. Dress up like Lady Gaga. In most cases, the dressing up is not the difficult bit, but justifying why you're dressed up like that is...