Sunday, June 6, 2010


A thousand tears flow,
The ocean may be put to shame.

A mother searching for her son,
A sister carrying a charred body of her brother.

A lover standing alone,
A daughter without a father.

A pregnant women with no child,
A proud father with no pride.

A friend just round the corner,
Is he still there or has he disappeared.

Some bodies torn to pieces,
Some breathing without a limb.

Feel this is brutal; feel this is insane,
Look around and stop what we started.

War does not come from above,
They start here and end below.

End war and cries; End what we started,
And let’s start what we never started.


  1. i luv it cal........................................................evan

  2. too good awesome.... really really heart-rending...i can picture all that violence in my head..cally..ur thots are too profound for a young guy ur age...too good man!!!!!!

  3. @Evan: Thanks girl.
    @Anubha: Peace out!
    @Aims: Thanks Aiman :)~
