The year started off on a rough patch and the myth about what happens on the 1st January drifts through the year is so freaking incorrect. This year had a shaky start, but as each month progressed, life was getting better.
Two of my best friends got married. Samantha weds Ozzy and Delwyn weds Upasna were events I experienced what I only read in fairy tales. The parties and the food was exquisite not to forget the location - Goa and the other Dehradun. Managed to even cross out rafting in the Ganges from my bucket list as I invaded the role of an explorer with some of the most awesome people I’ve met. Mad stuff.
My Enfield continues to be my girlfriend and I’ve no regrets about the petrol hikes coz it just doesn’t matter. Like in a Enfield documentary it is said, Once you ride and Enfield, you’re f** for life. You can never ride any other ‘so called’ bike. Oh yeah! I so agree on this one. By the way, I can only ride an old school Enfield. Vintage is the new in, oh wait, it always was.
From a career perspective, it was been a bright year too. Our lunch group is now bigger; the more the merrier and I couldn't agree more. Managed to be loyal to my company for three years in a row and somehow this strangely feels good. I must thank GOD for helping me encounter some of the most creative people here. Photography, glass painting, caricature, animation, writing, audio production etc. you name it, guys out here can are simply the best at what they do. Again awesome!
Relationships. Well, I was never good at them. But you learn best to stand tall only when you fall. Each relationship has taught me to be a better person, to know my priorities, and to be more responsible. It was like an uphill climb for a limbless man, but sometimes all that starts bad may just end up well. My life may just get well, or has it already?
Finally the highlight was Christmas. After receiving some unexpectedly splendid gifts from my secret Santa, who no more is secret, I couldn’t ask for more. Also, got to hang out with my niece and this should continue as we begin 2014. Perfection! So, 2013, thanks for being a great year and making me a better person – each day, each month. 2014, you have a lot of pressure man! Don’t disappoint me…