Monday, November 16, 2009

The Basic of Communication

Communication is an important aspect in every individuals journey; the journey of life. I had read in one of the books which states- ‘Communication starts right from the womb and ends in the tomb.’ We communicate right from the time we are an infant through our teenage life and the final stage- the old age. So, communication is a vital element in every person’s life; man and women alike. In the broader perspective, even animals communicate. In fact, every living creature does take part in the process of communication.

Let’s primarily define communication. Communication means transmission of ideas and thoughts from the sender to the receiver. It ensures that the message has been transmitted from the sender to the receiver successfully. This communication can be further sub-divided into:-

* Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication uses language, words to communicate.

* Non-verbal Communication Non-verbal communication on the other hand, uses body movements to send the message across to the receiver.

The Communication Process

1. The Sender: The Sender is the one who constructs the message and needs to communicate the same across to the receiver.

2. The Message: The Message is the content (ideas, thoughts, words, etc.) that need to be sent across to the receiver.

3. The Medium of Communication: The Medium of Communication is the tool through which the message is sent across.

4. The Receiver: The Receiver is the one who receives the message.

5. Response/Feedback: Response is the message sent by the receiver to the sender. It completes the communication, unless, the communication is a one-way message. For example, the announcements made at railway stations. They are one-way communication, wherein, the announcement is made about training arriving on the respective platforms. Response could also be Feedback.

4 C’s of Communication

The 4 C’s of Communication are important to ascertain there is a successful communication process.

* Creditability: The message should have some creditability to receiver. If the message has no creditability to the receiver, the message adds no value to the user.

* Clarity: The message should be clear and understandable cutting cultural barriers.

* Correctness: The message should be correct and provide authenticated information. It should be also provided at the 'Right Time'.

* Consciousness: The message should be to the point. The sender has to make sure that there is no message overload.

If these 4 C’s are followed and analyzed before any communication process it can ensure that the communication process is achieved with no ambiguity.


Thus, communication is an important element in one's life, especially on the career front. Therefore, we must make sure that we communicate, and we communicate effective. Also, we must make sure that we follow the 4 C's of Communication for successful and effective communication.

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