Friday, June 26, 2009

Come undone....

Time: 1:04 pm, Date: June 26, 2009, Location: Mumbai

As I lay in bed,
Eyes wide open and windows shut.

Wonder what the future has in store,
Is it pleasing or is it something harsh.

I don't know what it is,
Look at the alter with Christ assuring the best.

Thou the De-ja-vo is disturbing,
The realities are even more cruel.

Rest assured something good might turn up,
All I do is hang on to this thing called sheer luck.

It passes across silently and as quiet as it can get,
Stayed awake-stayed alive and now yell out in frustration-FUCK.

Now that its gone, things left undone,
With the pieces in my hand, I write a post, "Come Undone".


  1. blanc verse... good one cal... my sentiments ditto... lady luck passes us up many a times...

  2. Thanx guys, your comments are highly appreciated :)~
