Sunday, October 25, 2009

The End or a New Beginning?

A sacrifice so difficult to make,
Hurt myself but I have to smile.

Letting go off things I need the most,
Yet I'm can't miss them, yet I can't have them.

Dissapointed I make my journey ahead,
Life and time stand still, but the feet move.

With a heavy and a broken heart,
The journey looks incompleted, the journey to complete.

Can't stop I've to move,
With a smile, yet without one.

Life feels numb, no feeling inside,
The only feeling left is pain.

I fall time and again, the number I can't count,
I get up again to fight a losing battle.

I try to be strong, I fight to be crude,
These wounds so deep fail to sieze.

Hurt and bleeding, wounded and alone,
I feel its the end or is it the beginning of Life.

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